Gears of War Esports Wiki

To edit the documentation or categories for this module, click here.

return {
	url = { 'https://', '', '/' },
	wikis = {
		lol = 'league of legends',
		league = 'league of legends',
		['league of legends'] = { long = 'League of Legends', short = 'lol', image = 'lol', url = 'lol' },
		cod = 'call of duty',
		['call of duty'] = { long = 'Call of Duty', short = 'cod', image = 'cod', url = 'cod-esports' },
		['halo'] = { long = 'Halo', short = 'halo', image = 'halo', url = 'halo-esports' },
		['smite'] = { long = 'SMITE', short = 'smite', image = 'smite', url = 'smite-esports' },
		rl = 'rocket league',
		['rocket league'] = { long = 'Rocket League', short = 'rl', image = 'rl', url = 'rl-esports' },
		vg = 'vainglory',
		['vainglory'] = { long = 'Vainglory', short = 'vg', image = 'vg', url = 'vg-esports' },
		gow = 'gears of war',
		gears = 'gears of war',
		['gears of war'] = { long = 'Gears of War', short = 'gears', image = 'gears', url = 'gears-esports' },
		['pubg'] = { long = 'PUBG', short = 'pubg', image = 'pubg', url = 'pubg-esports' },
		pala = 'paladins',
		['paladins'] = { long = 'Paladins', short = 'pala', image = 'pala', url = 'paladins-esports' },
		fort = 'fortnite',
		fn = 'fortnite',
		['fortnite'] = { long = 'Fortnite', short = 'fort', image = 'fortnite', url = 'fortnite-esports' },
		r6 = 'siege',
		rainbow6 = 'siege',
		['rainbow 6'] = 'siege',
		rainbow6siege = 'siege',
		['siege'] = { long = 'Rainbow 6: Siege', short = 'siege', image = 'siege', url = 'siege-esports' },
		['2k'] = 'nba2k',
		['nba 2k'] = 'nba2k',
		nba = 'nba2k',
		['nba2k'] = { long = 'NBA 2k', short = 'nba2k', image = 'nba2k', url = 'nba2k-esports' },
		['battlerite'] = { long = 'Battlerite', short = 'battlerite', image = 'battlerite', url = 'battlerite-esports' },
		['artifact'] = { long = 'Artifact', short = 'artifact', image = 'artifact', url = 'artifact-esports' },
		realm = 'realm royale',
		realmroyale = 'realm royale',
		['realm royale'] = { long = 'Realm Royale', short = 'realm', image = 'realm', url = 'realmroyale-esports' },
		al = 'apex legends',
		apex = 'apex legends',
		apexlegends = 'apex legends',
		['apex legends'] = { long = 'Apex Legends', short = 'apex', image = 'apex', url = 'apexlegends-esports' },
		fifa = { long = 'fifa', short = 'fifa', image = 'fifa', url = 'fifa-esports' },
		tft = 'teamfight tactics',
		teamfighttactics = 'teamfight tactics',
		['teamfight tactics'] = { long = 'Teamfight Tactics', short = 'tft', image = 'tft', url = 'teamfighttactics' },
		splatoon2 = { long = 'Splatoon 2', short = 'splatoon2', image = 'splatoon2', url = 'splatoon2-esports' },
		val = 'valorant',
		['valorant'] = { long = 'VALORANT', short = 'val', image = 'valorant', url = 'valorant-esports' },
		lor = 'legends of runeterra',
		legendsofruneterra = 'legends of runeterra',
		['legends of runeterra'] = { long = 'Legends of Runeterra', short = 'lor', image = 'lor', url = 'legendsofruneterra-esports' },
		--[''] = { long = '', short = '', url = '-esports' },

		DEFAULT = {}